5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. Flopsy’s blog is a go!
Hi everybody. “hello world”, that’s what the first Apple computer mentioned on screen when booted up a couple of decades ago. Today we are using it to announce our blog. The plan is to keep you all entertained with posts around positive parenting, baby & toddler tips, eco-friends updates around up cycling or recycling and maybe even some recipes and crafty bits as this is just something we like.
So stay tuned for the first post. We are making putting the final touches to it. The topic is all about summer festivals and we’ll be sharing some tips and tricks on how to survive them WITH your little ones.
For future blogs entries we are always looking for new topics, so let us know what you’d like us to post about. This can be any topic, like minded business or maybe you are interested in writing something for us. Please let us know on flopsyshop@gmail.com
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